Unity Essential

Unity 3D is a fantastic platform which enables you to make production-quality games. Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, MacOS, iOS (even iOS 9), Android and Web from a single source!

If you’re a complete beginner, we’ll teach you all the coding and game design principles you’ll need. If you’re an artist, we’ll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you’re a coder, we’ll teach you game design principles.

Setup development environment

Download and install the Unity Editor and set up other supporting software on your Mac/Windows System.

Getting started with Unity

This section is your key to getting started with Unity. It will explain the Unity interface, menu items, using assets, creating scenes, and publishing builds.

When you are finished reading this section, you will understand how Unity works, how to use it effectively, and the steps to put a basic game together.

  1. Using the Unity Interface
  2. Essential Unity Concepts

Beginner Gameplay Scripting in Unity + Visual Studio/MonoDevelop

When it comes to learning game engines, there is not a definite path to go down. Some people like learning the programming languages this way, some people like learning that way. Some like following tutorials and not focus so much on the code. Some don’t even code at all and either use a Visual Scripting tool or hire people to do it for them.

Everyone says their way is the best, but the truth is that everyone learns differently – what works for me might not work for you. There are so many ways that you can learn and get started with programming in Unity that we cannot cover all of them. We can, however, provide simple explanations to what we believe are the most effective methods. Here we learn about programming from scratch, then progress to create detailed code for your projects.

  1. Getting Started with Unity Development Using Visual Studio
  2. Unity C# Scripting: Introduction & Understanding the Script Lifecycle
  3. Unity C# Scripting: Creating and Using Scripts
  4. Unity C# Scripting: Variables and Datatypes
  5. Unity C# Scripting: Scope and Access Modifiers
  6. Unity C# Scripting: Array
  7. Unity C# Scripting: Operators
  8. Unity C# Scripting: Branching and Looping Statements
  9. Unity C# Scripting: Namespaces and Classes
  10. Unity C# Scripting: Methods and Constructors

Intermediate Gameplay Scripting in Unity + Visual Studio/MonoDevelop

Demo Content

  1. Unity C# Scripting: All About Functions & Parameters
  2. Unity C# Scripting: Creating and Destroying GameObjects
  3. Unity C# Scripting: Finding and interacting with other Game Objects
  4. Unity C# Scripting: Vector 2D and Vector 3D
  5. Unity C# Scripting: Time.deltaTime Detailed Explanation
  6. Unity C# Scripting: GetComponent and Transform Component
  7. Unity C# Scripting: Public & Private and Tags with Example
  8. Unity C# Scripting: Coroutines with IEnumerator and Wait For
  9. Unity C# Scripting: Accessing Game Objects using GateComponents
  10. Unity C# Scripting: Loading Levels / Scenes Detailed Explanation
  11. Unity C# Scripting: Best Practices and Tips

Unity User Interface

Learn to use Unity's tools for designing user interfaces (UI).

  1. UI Components
  2. UI RectTransform
  3. UI Events and Event Triggers
  4. UI Transitions
  5. Creating the Main Menu
  6. Adding Buttons Via Script